Tag Archives: Shadow and Bone

The End of an Era?

Why must you leave me so conflicted?

A review of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

If I read this maybe five years ago, I probably would have fallen in love with it. Now that I’m older (wiser?), novels like Shadow and Bone have me worried that my long-standing love affair with YA is beginning to falter. Cue the sad violin music.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think it was a fun book. I finished it in the span of two days in maybe three sittings. Bardugo writes well.  The premise was fun. But it seems like I’m losing the ability to turn my brain off and ignore the sorts of things that usually bother me about YA Lit. Let’s start with the characters.  Continue reading

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In Recovery

Hello friends! Long time no see! Even though teaching and my schedule outside of that have been about as calm as a two year old at a birthday party, I somehow decided to read Wuthering Heights in the midst of it. I finally carved out a good chunk of time and finished it today. Not only that–I ran to the library to get the PBS version of the story and spent an additional two hours watching that.

Needless to say, I’m suffering through a bit of a book hangover. I have so many thoughts spinning in my head that it seems like I’m going to need a few days to type out a coherent review.

But! While I was at the library I picked up some books to keep me company over the next few weeks.


As you’ll notice, the majority are YA, so I should have some reviews coming in a bit faster than in the past! I may start with Jackaby first. I feel like going with something short and sweet is just the kind of change of pace I need.

Have you suffered from “book hangovers”? Any thoughts on which book I should get to first? 

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