24 Bookish Facts About ARMW

Hello readers! Happy Valentine’s Day! What could be better than to share our one true love with our readers! We thought it might be fun to share  a few bookish facts about ourselves, and why we LOVE books, and how nerdy we really are at heart. It doesn’t always have to be about the books, sometimes, we can brag about ourselves a little bit. Okay, okay, only if it related to books somehow! 🙂

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, closeup and indoor


  1. I am a very animated and vocal reader. It has definitely made for some awkward situations in coffee shops.
  2. I always need some kind of treat when I read 🙂
  3. I love when there are maps in books, which is partly why I am a huge sucker for fantasy novels.
  4. If a hardcover book has a dust jacket, I don’t like to read with the it on. I always take the dust jacket off and leave it on my bookshelf.
  5. The book that I’ve read the most is “Matilda” by Roald Dahl. I loved it and this is definitely what made me the reader that I am today. I used to imagine myself as Matilda, pretending that I needed to hide my reading from my parents – I definitely didn’t have to…which made it weird, haha!
  6. I cannot read when I am riding in any moving vehicle: car, train, airplane…I sadly get motion sickness when I do 😥
  7. I have a hard time focusing on audiobooks. It’s the one medium that I can’t really do when it comes to reading.
  8. I always carry my current read on me wherever I go – you never know when you’ll have a few minutes to read 😉 This is also why I don’t own many small purses, haha!


  1. There are currently 405 books on my TBR list 😦 over the years I’ve tried so hard to dwindle that number down even a little bit, but new exciting reads keep coming out!
  2. Processed with VSCOcam with t1 presetI love designing my bookshelves. These shelves over here took multiple days, but I’m in love with the outcome!
  3. I find myself with few moments throughout my day where I can take some time to read, so I’ve mastered the art of multiple formats! To make progress in Atlas Shrugged, I have the actual book at home, the pdf open on my mac, and the audiobook on my phone. Now I have no excuse!
  4. When I was younger (and would re-read far more often), I used to add a little tick mark in the book every time I read it.
  5. Like Mina, I take my jacket off my hardcovers when I read. That’s one of the reasons I like hardcovers–they look nicer longer!
  6. I haven’t read a majority of the books I own. I’ve inherited a large number of them, and couldn’t pass up on free books!
  7. My first act of thievery happened when I was in fourth grade when I stole a book. I loved dinosaurs so much, that I kept the book I had rented out from the school library!
  8. If I can, I love to stay up and read. Having a quiet space in the night helps me really focus on the story.


  1. I have a semi-photographic memory (self-diagnosed) so I never re-read anything, I remember the plot too well.
  2. My dream is to have a library of Beauty and the Beast status in my house.
  3. At one point I had to catalog the books I own because I started buying doubles.
  4. I am extremely empathetic and often have a very hard time leaving the world of the novel I finish.
  5. I have been reading since I can remember, and it is the only hobby I have kept up with for basically my entire life.
  6. I am a die hard Twilight and 50 Shades fan… yes… judge away.
  7. I have only seen 4 of the Harry Potter movies because the first movie left out my favorite part of the book (where they have to pick which poison to drink – Alice in Wonderland style – in the Chamber of Secrets) (Of course I had to see the final one) (Yes, at midnight).
  8.  I currently own over 500 physical books and almsot 100 e-books.

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